RegistRead Installation Instructions

For RegistRead components not provided on meter index:

  1. Remove the plastic or glass lens covering the register
  2. Remove the pointer from the appropriate dial; small diagonal cutter is recommended to pry up or trim the pointer
  3. Place the RIO Tronics magnet rotor ontor the exposed pointer shaft. Adjust height of rotor above index face for approximately .040” clearance. RIO Tronics manufactures a wide variety of rotors to accommodate specific meter indexes based on manufacturer and type of index.
  4. Place the RegistRead housing with switch and wire adjacent to and over the rotor and check for a flush fit  on the register face. Housings are available in different circle printings for a variety of orientations.
  5. For metal or ceramic index: RIO Tronics will warranty the installation with approved bonding, including LocTite SpeedBonder 326 with Primer N. Use the Primer to clean the switch assembly and the index face, and re- apply to each face to prime. Apply a thin coating of SpeedBonder to the base of the RegistRead housing, fit over the rotor, and secure in place for 30 seconds to bond, applying firm pressure and keeping the pointer shaft centered through the top hole.
  6. For plastic index: RIO Tronics will warranty the installation with approved bonding, including Huntsman Araldite 2021, supplied by RIO Tronics . Mix the 2 parts and apply to the bottom of the RegistRead housing. Place in the correct position over the rotor, and set assembly aside for five minutes.
  7. Drill a hole in the register cover to accommodate the wire exit, and run the wire through the hole. If space allows, use an overhand knot in the wire for strain relief. RIO Tronics supplies grommets for the cable, use a 7/32” hole for the grommet.
  8.  For domestic gas meters, a thicker gasket may be required for clearance of the index cover, or use a modified cover, as for the Sensus commercial meter.
  9. Test the installation using a multimeter or ohm meter on the red and black wires, noting the proper change in resistance for each output- typically 100 ohms/infinite.

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